Event Calendar

We host a wide variety of competitions and events at the club which will appeal to all competitors, men and women – we would love you to get involved. We have weekly club events and Open Tournaments throughout the season.


Regular weekly club competitions (other than when a tournament is being held):



18H Women

8:30am for 9am start (23 Feb-31 May)

9am for 9:30am start (01 Jun-31 Aug)

8:30am for 9am start (07 Sep-16 Nov)



Midweek Men: 9am

Chartered Club Men: 12pm



9H Women: 8:30am

Mixed Haggle: 11am



9H Golf

12:30pm for 1pm start



18H Women

8:15am start (20 Feb-29 May)

8:30am start (05 Jun-28 Aug)

8:15am start (04 Sep-13 Nov)

Men’s Scramble:

Rolling Start from 9:30-10:30am



Our Major Sponsors
541 Harbour Rd, PO Box 3037, Ohope 3121
07 312 4486